
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Surrealist Dali-esque Ecosystems project

4th grade is working on ecosystems in science. I decided to tie in their Salvadore Dali surrealist studies into this. They have to choose 3 different types of animals, list their food chains, and then list their ecosystems. Then they take one animal and put it into an inappropriate ecosystem. All of the animals and facts are correct (they are real), but putting them in the wrong context makes them surreal. The students must know the ecosystems to alter them.

Here is the Salvadore Dali painting we looked at to jump start out ideas:

Here are the students working with their partners... they are reading their ideas and discussing the most dynamic, surrealist combination of animal/ food chain/ ecosystem. I can't wait to see these!

By the way - the Writing to Win workshop at the Instructional Summit gave me the idea to have the students write and read their ideas to each other. They really seemed to enjoy the back and forth of ideas!

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