
Friday, August 26, 2011

Kindergarten Kandinsky's

I'll be the first to admit it: I"m not quite comfortable teaching Kinders yet. Their lessons need to be shorter. The lessons are more about manipulating materials and the experience than the product. All art should be that way, I know, but for Kindergartner's it's more prevalent than any other grade. After years of middle school and high school "studio" art, I'm still adjusting. Anyway! Here are some of the Kindergarten Kandinsky's:

Here is the Wassily Kandinsky artwork we studied:

Here are the Kinders folding their black construction paper into eight rectangles (we strayed a bit from Kandinsky's circle-in-a-square theme):

Here are the Kandinsky's! Oil pastel on construction paper. I think next time I'll let them pick their background. The black was so faded. It provided a better texture than plain white paper (and looked more finished because there wasn't so much white showing when they were "done"), but the black is so faded ... it bothers me.)

I asked them what they think would happen if they used the black oil pastel on black paper. They all immediately tried... and seemed delighted to discover that black oil pastel is darker than black construction paper! Soooo cool!  ;-)

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