
Our Art Class Pets

Yes, you heard correctly: I have bugs as class pets. Currently we have an art farm, a few Mexican Jumping Beans, and Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. The cockroaches are NOT like nasty, Georgia cockroaches. They are not "dirty", they do not jump, bite, or fly. They are docile and slow (so no scurrying). We have named them Mona Lisa and Vincent Van Gogh, and they are a wonderful way to get my students to quickly clean up and line up (I offer to take them out and let them "pet" them if they clean up and line up quickly).

Feel free to click on the links above to find out more about our class pets! For those parents that are interested in  having the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches as a pet (they really are wonderful! They are easy to care for, not dangerous, and easy to handle), please check This is where I bought our cockroaches and their habitat (they came with food and everything!).

You are always welcome to come and visit!

(click on any picture to see it larger!)

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